A Beginners Guide to Vaporizers: Part 2 – Dry Herbs

The Best Vape Pens for Beginners: Dry Herb Vaporizers

What kind of vaporizer pens are there?

There are two major categories when we talk about dry herb vaporizers. And those categories are true-vaporizers and combustion pens the distinction between these two is by-and-far lost on those searching for the best vaporizer for beginners, but it’s an important distinction to make. True-vaporizers are vaporizers that utilize a method of convection to heat your dry herbs in order to separate the essential oils from the herbs, essentially evaporating them. When we talk about vaporization, we are talking about convection vaporizers. This is generally considered a healthier alternative when compared combustion vaporizers, due to the fact that the herbs are generally not burnt.

Combustion pens operate the way you would expect them to. They simply burn dry herbs. These pens generally use a coil, and allow for direct contact between the product and the coil. Combustion vaporizers provide a more hardy smoke, but are generally considered to lesser of the two methods. Everyone has their own preference when it comes to the heating method of their vaporizer, and unfortunately there is no way to know which way you prefer until you try them. But with this information, we hope to guide you on your search for the best vaporizer for beginners.

Once you get a grasp on these concepts, and you know what you enjoy in a vaporizer, then we can delve into more customizable experiences, such as vaporizers with built in temperature controls and multi-purpose vaporizers. There’s much more to vaporizers than meets the eye!

With this in mind the best vaporizer for beginners that we could recommend for those interested in convection vaporizers would be kits like The Boss, The Transporter and The Jump.

If you’ve tried one like these, or something similar, and the idea of a true-vaporizer doesn’t quite fit your needs, feel free to try products like The Dry Herb Kit or the R2 instead.

Keep an eye out for our latest blog posts, as we will be finishing up the Beginners Guide to Vaporizers series to talk about wax vaporizers. In addition, we are always releasing new products on our website AtmosRx.com, so be sure to head over there. We have products that meet everyone’s needs, whether you’re looking for the best vape pens for beginners or something more technical and powerful.

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Michael Ashby

Michael is a long established writer of Fiction, Poetry, and Marketing based content. When he's not working on his countless literary projects, he spends his time educating customers on various growing industries and products.
